In US, ~ 23 million people run business from their home, while ~ 10% “telecommute” from their home with their employers sitting across the globe. In India, the numbers could be interesting as well, particularly when lots of companies are allowing their employees to work from their home in order to save precious fuel, electricity, or simply to allow more work-life balance, or during maternity / paternity leaves.
These telecom users have very distinct communication requirements since they are using these services for both personal and official uses, and there could be a good opportunity on the part of the telecom cos, or ISPs, to customize offerings to such users. The “Insumers”, as I would like to call them, since they are not “con”summers, are growing slowly but steadily into new market segment and service providers who can customize offerings, keeping in mind their specific requirements, could very well reap the benefits of an innovative first mover.
To create a market value for this “insumer” segment, the telecom companies need to focus on having a dedicated insumer product strategy with the right mix of product offering, service features, etc keeping in mind the very unique home users.
The insumers could eventually turn out to be an attractive marketing messaging board for the business world.
All these new sub-segments of consumers created (not identified), look good academically. These segments are not really too new. They always existed. On your thought that this can evolve into a niche category if the telecom ISPs evolve a customized product. At what price? What value? What ultimate benefot to them?
Unless the end benefit is quantified, I am not sure on how much of a focus would come from telecome operators.
Ofcourse all those issues need to be identified and quantified as well. I am working with a mobile adv company, and this is precisely what we want to find out.
This is an initial stage, and it will take time to understand the viability of this segment for our country at this moment.
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